Forthcoming epi Educational Events

epi CPE seminars - Updated Event Calendar

21 February 2017Hamburg (DE)epi Seminar „Opposition & Appeal“ supported by the EPO
16 May 2017Rom (IT)epi Seminar „Opposition & Appeal“ supported by the EPO
26 September 2017Dublin (IE)epi Seminar „Opposition & Appeal“ supported by the EPO
21 November 2017 Budapest (HU)epi Seminar „Opposition & Appeal“ supported by the EPO

Preparation Courses for the EQE

Flexible epi Tutorial

(see announcement within this epi Information)

epi Mock EQEs 2016

The mock EQEs allow participants to attempt an EQE exam under exam conditions. The participants sit the papers in the same order, and in the same time, as the real exam. The exam papers are from previous EQE exams and are chosen for their didactic value. Experienced epi tutors mark the papers. About one month after the mock EQE, the tutors discuss the answers with small groups of candidates. Each participant receives personal feedback on his/her work.
Participants may sit any combination of papers.

Scheduled epi Mock EQEs:
The registration will be available shortly on the epi website.

Time schedule:
Mock EQE session

24.10.2016:Paper D
Pre - Examination
09:30 - 14:30
09:30 - 13:30
25.10.2016:Paper A
Paper B
09:30 - 13:00
14:30 - 17:30
26.10.2016:Paper C09:30 - 14:30

Feedback session December 2016

1. DayPaper D
Pre - Examination
2. DayPaper A
Paper B
3. DayPaper C

The final selection of the location(s) are Brussels, Helsinki and Munich.
The feedback sessions can be expected to take place in December 2016