Report of the Editorial Committee
M. Névant (FR), Chair
This report covers the period from the last Council meeting in Lisbon to the end of February 2020. Developments occurring within this period include the following.
1/ As mentioned in epi Information 4/2019, the Workshare Platform has been implemented on the epi website. The purpose of the platform is to facilitate the interactive cooperation between European Patent Attorneys who are interested in exchanging work. Members are invited to visit our website to learn more about this exchange work program.
2/ New features have been implemented within the forum section of the website:
- A search by keyword or author within the forum;
- A classification of threads by individual “Tags”;
- The possibility to create a post as a draft first and to publish it at a later stage;
- The possibility to include/add a “Voting Poll” to every forum thread;
- The possibility to move forum posts from one thread to the other.
3/ The Editorial Committee met on 18th February 2020 in Munich. During the meeting, the decision was made to promote the initial plan to encourage regular authors to contribute to epi Information. The Guidelines for authors (available here) will be updated on an ad hoc basis.
Furthermore, the Editorial Committee intends to foster communication with other Committees so that our members can be informed in a timely fashion of relevant information for our profession.
The following action points were also decided during the meeting:
- All existing editions of epi Information will be uploaded on the epi website (for the time being archived issues go back to 1999 only);
- A guide for the use of the forum with instructions for all available features will be uploaded on the epi website.