Contact Data of EPO Legal Division

Update of the European Patent Attorneys database

Please send any change of contact details to the European Patent Office so that the list of professional representatives can be kept up to date. The list of professional representatives, kept by the EPO, is also the list used by epi. Therefore, to make sure that epi mailings as well as e-mail correspondence reach you at the correct address, please inform the Legal Division of the EPO (Dir. 5.2.3) of any change in your contact details.

Kindly note the following contact data of the Legal Division of the EPO (Dir. 5.2.3):

European Patent Office
Dir. 5.2.3
Legal and Unitary Patent Division
80298 Munich

Tel.: +49 (0)89 2399-5231
Fax: +49 (0)89 2399-5148

The relevant form(s) to be submitted in the case of changes can be downloaded from the EPO website:

Further information and forms relating to the list of professional representatives can be found on the EPO website ( and in the FAQ section of the epi website (

Thank you for your cooperation.