EQE Main examination training courses in Maastricht
Since 2014, Maastricht University has been preparing candidates for the European Qualifying Examination (EQE). This training is for candidates who already have a basic understanding of European patent law. One of the cornerstones of our courses is the interactivity and personalized approach: two tutors and group sizes limited to 16 participants stimulate the exchange of ideas and learning from each other. This training consists of an on-site training in Maastricht, followed by an online learning period via Zoom up to the EQE examination dates.
At the basis of each of the courses are specially developed methodologies to solve the current main examination papers using a pragmatic and efficient approach. After providing some background and theory, the most important aspects of the methodologies are illustrated by solving cases. Some cases are based on old exam papers, others are specially made for the Maastricht courses. Materials are provided electronically during the course to reduce the books needed and to facilitate electronic notetaking. Of course, the tutors closely follow all developments in the EQE. The methodologies are continuously adapted to accommodate for such developments, including the e-EQE and the exam format in which the papers are split up into multiple parts. But also, more subtle changes in the structure of the exams and/or the desired answering structure are considered.
The on-site training for each of the papers starts with three days of workshops (A and B combined), given at the Faculty of Law at the University of Maastricht. After the course, you’ll have access to Maastricht University’s electronic learning environment, which will provide you with online support from fellow students and the tutors as well as additional exercises so you can practise your exam skills. The online learning period involves monthly follow-up coaching sessions via Zoom to discuss the assignments. Close to the EQE examination dates a separate Q&A session is organized for more practical questions relating to the methodology and/or online examination environment. All course material and teaching will be in English. The courses are given by a team of renowned teachers.
Training for EQE Papers A and B
In Paper A, a set of claims and the introductory portion of a European patent application have to be drafted. In Paper B, a response to a communication from the examining division has to be drafted, while taking account of the cited prior art and the instructions from the client. The training covers the skills needed to tackle both electricity-mechanic and chemical aspects of the current combined-technology papers. The methodologies borrow from real-life skills and approaches to drafting applications and answering office actions to provide an intuitive approach. We apply them step-by-step as a group to A and B papers and cases covering combined-technologies, focusing on the parts of the answer where most of the marks can be gained.
Workshop duration:
On-site training: 3-days: Monday 4 - Wednesday 6 November 2024.
Online learning trajectory: from November 2024 to March 2025: several cases/full papers will be provided, both chemistry and electricity-mechanics; one of the assignments will be marked by the tutors.
Training for EQE Paper C
In Paper C, a notice of opposition has to be drafted following the grant of a European patent. In the course, a newly developed, simple and efficient methodology for tackling Paper C will be taught, which has been successfully applied by many of our previous candidates. The methodology will be put into practice with various example cases.
Workshop duration:
On-site training: 3-days: Monday 21 - Wednesday 23 October 2024.
Online learning trajectory: from October 2024 to March 2025: several cases/full papers will be provided; one of the assignments will be marked by the tutors.
Training for EQE Paper D
In Part I of Paper D, a set of legal questions have to be answered. In Part II, a legal opinion must be drafted following an inquiry from a client. An intuitive methodology will be taught for answering Part I questions and for analyzing and preparing a response to the inquiry in Part II. The methodology will be put into practice with example questions and cases.
Workshop duration:
On-site training: 3-days: Monday 7 - Wednesday 9 October 2024.
Online learning trajectory: from October 2024 to March 2025: several cases/full papers will be provided; one of the assignments will be marked by the tutors.
For detailed information of and registration for the Main Examination training courses, see: https://curriculum.maastrichtuniversity.nl/education/course/eqe-exam-training