Report of the epi-Finances Committee

C. Quintelier (BE) Chair, T. J. Powel (UK) Secretary

The 88th Meeting of the Finances Committee took place by video conference on 8 April 2022. The Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer and Substitute Internal Auditors attended as invited guests. The Executive Director and Head of Finance also attended.

  • The Committee reviewed and approved the income, expenditure and budget figures for 2021 reported by the Treasurer;
  • The Committee also approved the major expenditure projects currently in progress;
  • The Committee is happy with the performance of investments and the safeguards put in place with respect to currency investments;
  • The Committee considered a request that arose to donate a surplus on the organising of educational events to charity, but notes that this is not contemplated in the constitution of epi and therefore cannot be actioned as things stand;
  • The Committee received a report from the Executive Director and noted with approval her work and restructuring plans that have been properly costed and are being implemented in accordance with the proposed timetable;
  • The Committee received and debated a report from the Internal Auditors; and recorded that the question of "four eyes" approval of contracts raised in that report had been fully dealt with some years earlier. The scheme set up at that time seems to be working satisfactorily and the Committee sees no need for changes.
  • The Committee noted and supports proposals by the Treasurer to establish post-pandemic hybrid working protocols for the committees of epi.

The next meeting of the Committee is scheduled for 7 October 2022.
