
M. Névant (FR), Editorial CommitteeM. Névant (FR), Editorial Committee

All aboard!

Election years always have a special flavour. This year is no exception to the rule as a new Board was elected during the last Council meeting (a report of which is given later in this issue), based on a well-crafted program and somehow innovative communication. Council also elected auditors and members of the Disciplinary Committee. Congratulations to all those who have been (re)elected.

The outgoing Board, under the leadership of (then President) Francis Leyder, must also be thanked for all the achievements made and the transformation engaged so that our Institute is better prepared to face the challenges ahead.

And challenges there are, to mention a few: the emergence of new technologies, in particular artificial intelligence, in our daily practice; the start of the UPC; the influence of epi vis-à-vis major stakeholders such as the European Patent Office and the European Commission. As a past French Prime Minister once said: “The road is straight but the slope is steep”.

The new Board has a very ambitious 3-part program (called “Transparency-Collaboration-Communication”), details of which are given just after this editorial. One key element from the program is that there is a clear will to involve epi members and bodies in a more sustainable way. I sincerely hope that this commitment will be translated into action, and that the Board’s efforts will be successful. The future of our Institute is in our hands, and it is undoubtedly appropriate to say that WE ARE ALL (A)BOARD.

This issue of epi Information is published while (most of) our members are about to embark on a holiday break. On behalf of the Editorial Committee I wish our members a relaxing summer.
