Contact Data of EPO Legal Division
Update of the searchable database of professional representatives on the EPO website
Please notify the Legal Division of the EPO of any changes to your contact details, ensuring that the list of professional representatives remains up to date. The list of professional representatives maintained by the EPO is also the one used by epi. To ensure that you receive epi mailings and email correspondence at the correct address, kindly inform the Legal Division of the EPO (Dept.
Kindly note the following contact data of the Legal Division of the EPO:
European Patent Office
Legal Division
80298 Munich
Tel.: +49 (0)89 2399-5231
The relevant form(s) to be submitted in the case of changes can be downloaded from the new EPO website:
At the button of the options for professional representatives you will find a link to consult your details in the searchable database of professional representatives. As from 1 November 2023, professional representatives can use the representative area in MyEPO Portfolio to request changes to their entry on the list and to manage their telecommunication details, including the publication of these details in the searchable database on the EPO website as a self-service. Deletion from the list of professional representatives can then also be requested via the Representative area. For more information about the Representative area, you may consult the announcement in the September edition of epi information. Additionally, the EPO will be publishing a feature guide and dedicated FAQs to provide further details.
Further information and forms relating to the list of professional representatives can be found on the EPO website and in the FAQ section of the epi website (