Podcast on 1-year Unitary Patent
B. van Wezenbeek (NL)
Many reports have appeared to review the first year of the activities of the UPC, but also the unitary patent came into existence at that same date. In a podcast that is featured on the epi-learning website, the epi experts Francis Leyder and Manolis Samouilidis are interviewing the EPO Principal Director Patent Law and Procedures, Heli Pihlajamaa, and the EPO Head of Department European Legal Affairs, Stefan Luginbühl, on the experiences of the EPO and its users in the last year. Highlighted are the (ease of) use of the system, its benefits, challenges and future prospects.
This podcast is part of a series of podcasts titled INSIGHT epi, in which experts highlight interesting aspects of the profession. Every 14 days there will be a new episode added to the collection. Currently the collection contains, next to the podcast on the unitary patent first anniversary, a series of five podcasts on the new EQE and an episode on an amended European Commission proposal to ban patents on plants made by new genomic techniques (NGT). You can find these podcasts on the epi-learning website.