epi preparation courses for the EQE pre-examination and main examination 2021

All courses are provided in the three EPO official languages:

English, French, German

epi Tutorial

Practice makes perfectGet your individual feedback on papers Pre-Examination/A/B/C/D whenever you need it during your preparation for the EQE

  • Sign up for a tutorial whenever you want
  • Decide which paper you want to prepare
  • Arrange individually with your tutor:
    - the due date when you need to send your prepared paper to your tutor
    - the date when you will discuss the result of your individual paper with your tutor
  • Discuss the result of your paper with your tutor
    - in small Groups (on request) or
    - in a one to one session

Further Information can be found on the epi website.


Mock EQE(s)

The mock EQE(s) allow participants to attempt an EQE exam under exam conditions. The participants sit the various papers (A, B, C and D) in the same order as during the real exam and are given exactly the same time to sit the paper(s).

The epi has prepared new papers A, B, C and D for the Mock EQE with the assistance of epi Tutors and members of the Professional Education Committee. The papers will be available in all three of the official languages.

The feedback will be given in small groups or one to one session(s) depending on the number of participants.

Further information about the venue and time schedule are available here.

2-day Weekend Workshop

The workshop program is aimed at EQE candidates who have recently passed the pre-examination and are beginning their preparation for the full examination. The workshop will also be of benefit to candidates who will be resitting Paper A, B or D.

The workshop is exclusively for epi Students. The epi offers the possibility to become an epi student to be able to participate in the workshops, detailed information how to become an epi Student can be found here.

The Paper A, B or D workshop will introduce participants to the formal and practical requirements of Paper A and how to prepare an answer.
Further information are available here.
