Report from the epi Tutors Meeting

Baris Atalay (TR) epi Tutor

The epi Tutors Meeting took place on 17-18 October 2022 in Munich. The meeting, organized by the Tutors and Coaches sub-committee of the Professional Education Committee, allowed participating tutors to enjoy a face-to-face experience while, at the same time, providing the possibility of online participation. A broad range of topics covering different aspects of tutoring practice and the European Qualifying Examination were presented by speakers accompanied by Q&A sessions.

On the first day, the first two parts of the discussion were presented by Margaret Mackett and covered an overview of epi educational activities currently offered to EQE candidates and, the benefits for tutors in making use of the epi-learning website. In the next session, Katerina Hartvichova and Oana Boncea started a discussion on how to train in an online environment; this was then followed by Nina Ferara’s session which was primarily aimed towards attracting more epi tutors and focusing on benefits of being a tutor. The first day presentations also touched generally upon issues on how one could improve the experience for candidates in view of the changing exam, focusing on various tutoring strategies that current epi tutors use/could start using.

The second day’s first session was conducted by Claude Quintelier, who presented the conceptual framework for testing knowledge of the candidates, based on the existing EQE Regulation. In the subsequent section, Petra Pecharova expressed her views on the advantages of the proposed e-EQE modular system. Petra’s session was followed by Tiem Reijns’ presentation on consultation results in relation to the e-EQE consultation and questionnaire. Tiem summarised suggestions for improvement in the letters received during consultation process; such suggestions mainly relating to the definition of core skills being tested, modular sitting requirements and the syllabi. The final session was presented by Katerina Hartvichova and related to the adaptation of the epi tutorials to the new e-EQE.

The epi Tutors Meeting was a success as many topics of great importance were discussed while participating tutors were engaged throughout the sessions.
