Half a century of EPC – 44 years of EQE and opening a new chapter

B. Atalay & M. Mackett, Event Organizing Working Group

epi held an event to celebrate 44 years of the EQE with thanks to the epi and EPO examination committee members, Supervisory Board members & EQE Secretariat on 12-13 October 2023.

The event started on the evening of 12 October with a buffet dinner at Hofbräukeller in Wiener Platz, Munich which was also attended by epi Tutors who were present at the Tutors’ meeting earlier in the day.

On 13 October, the day began with the registration of attendees as usual and was moderated by Nicolas Favre. An earnest welcome was extended by Peter Thomsen, the President of the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi), and António Campinos, the President of the European Patent Office (EPO). Their opening remarks underscored the historical importance of the occasion celebrating half a century of the EPC and 44 years of the EQE.

A comprehensive journey into the historical evolution of the European Qualifying Examination (EQE) followed. Michael Liebetanz and Christoph Machwirth traced the EQE’s development over four decades, shedding light on the milestones and transformations that have shaped it into what it is today.

The focus then shifted towards the future of the EQE, a topic of paramount importance for examination committee members and candidates. Tiem Reijns and Xavier Seuba took the stage to provide their perspectives on the challenges and developments that lie ahead for the EQE.

The EQE Candidate Support Project (CSP) emerged as the focal point of the subsequent session after the lunch. Oana Boncea, Anna Valborg Gudmundsdóttir, and Delia Brasfalean collectively presented the CSP’s significance and the vital role it has played in aiding EQE candidates in countries not having enough EQE-qualified European Patent Attorneys to pass the EQE.

In the following session, Marc Nevant and Nina Ferara, explored the strategies and initiatives designed to create a more inclusive and equitable environment for all involved in the intellectual property profession.

In the final session, by Bart van Bezenweek delved into the operations and responsibilities of the Disciplinary Board of Appeal with respect to appeals from the EQE.

The event culminated in a networking and cocktail reception, allowing attendees to engage in further discussions, exchange ideas, and celebrate the significant milestones reached during this gathering.
