An enhanced database for users to find a professional representative before the EPO

To assist users in finding a professional representative, the European Patent Office (EPO) provides a publicly searchable database of professional representatives on its website. The database allows users to filter representatives by country, city, address or name, and provides each representative’s telecommunication details if these have been made available and consent to their publication has been given.

In line with the approach to digital transformation and greater transparency outlined in its Strategic Plan 2028, the EPO will launch a new and improved searchable database on its website on 3 February 2025.Decision of the President of the EPO dated 27 November 2024 concerning the publication of the list of professional representatives and the related notice from the EPO dated 27 November 2024 (both in OJ EPO 12/2024 and pre-published on the EPO website). This database will list each registered professional representative and replace previous publication preferences with a standardised set of information for each professional representative, allowing effective searches. The preference expressed for the publication of telecommunication details will remain valid. Users will be able to easily find a representative listing the following data:

  • last name and first name(s)
  • representative number
  • full postal address of the place of business or employment
  • dates of entry (and re-entry, if applicable)
  • date of deletion (if applicable, for five years)
  • telecommunication details (email address, telephone number and website URL), if the professional representative has provided them and consented to their publication.

Discontinuation of the publication of changes in the Official Journal

The enhanced and more complete database will replace the monthly publication in the Official Journal of the EPO of the changes to the list of professional representatives.

Check your data

As a professional representative, you are advised to check the data you have on record with the EPO before February to ensure accuracy in the database. You can do this in the representative area in MyEPO Portfolio, part of the EPO’s online services ( see Feature guide). If necessary, you can update your data in MyEPO Portfolio directly (telecommunication details) or make a request there to have it updated for you by the EPO (name or postal address). For technical reasons, please do not update your telecommunication details on the same day as making a request to have your name or postal address updated by the EPO.

If you are not yet a user of MyEPO services, it is easy to create an EPO account by following the instructions on the EPO website ( see Feature guide).

It is recommended to make any changes before February 2025 to ensure that the information on professional representatives available to all users of the European patent system is complete and accurate.
