“Work Share” platform

Dr. B. Kunič Tešović (SI)

As announced in the previous issue of epi Information, epi introduced a ‘Work Share’ platform with the purpose of enabling enhanced cooperation between the epi members.

The aim of the platform is to facilitate the interactive cooperation between European Patent Attorneys who are interested in work exchange. The offers for work sharing can be placed in the form of announcements.

To access the platform you need to login and click on 'Work Share' as shown below:

Work Sharing Platform

When you decide for an announcement, please click the 'Submission of the offer' and enter the requested information. Please note that only the text of the announcement will be published. All other data will be kept confidential by the epi Secretariat.

Work Sharing Platform

If you are interested in the offer, please press 'Contact' and inform the epi Secretariat accordingly.

With the introduction of the platform, epi establishes a possibility to communicate the requests for exchange of work similar to some national associations, e.g. the established ‚Kollegenarbeit‘ announcements in the journal of the Patentanwaltskammer.

As mentioned before, the platform can be used in various situations. It can be used for example when lacking capacity in different technical or scientific fields, to absorb additional work when needed, or to provide attorney work-related coaching or mentoring to colleagues who have recently passed the EQE.

We welcome you to start using the platform and hope you will benefit from it!
